11/18/2017 CSL7 课堂笔记
1. Review last week's homework.
2. Practice for final exam.
3. Review Textbook Chapter 15, 16 and Textbook 4 Chapter 1, 2
4. Quiz for Chapter 2
45. 学唱歌《送别》.
11/11/2017 CSL7 课堂笔记
1. Review last week's homework
2. Review Chapter 2
3. Game "Detective of Characters and Words"
4. Speech: 怎么过感恩节
5. 学唱歌《送别》
6. 观《大闹天宫》
Homework: Workbook Chapter 2 p9-13
Prepare for Quiz of Chapter 2
11/4/2017 CSL7 课堂笔记
1. Review last week's homework
2. Review Chapter 1 words and text
3. Quiz for Chapter 1
4. Read Chapter 2 words and text
5. Watch video: The Seasons (季节) Single Story Level 3 Chinese By Little Fox
Bird’s-eye China Shanghai, a gateway to the world
6. YCT III practice
WorkBook Chapter 2 page 7-8
Write a speech: How do I celebarate Thanksgiven
10/28/2017 CSL7 课堂笔记
1. Review last week homework.
2. Review Chapter 1
3. Study Cahpter 2 new words and text
4. YCT III Practice
Homework: Workbook Chapter 1
2. Review Chapter 1
3. Study Cahpter 2 new words and text
4. YCT III Practice
Homework: Workbook Chapter 1
10/21/2017 CSL7 课堂笔记
1. Review last week homework
2. Read together Chapter 1 words and text
3. Chapter 1 Practice 4
4. Speech: 我有一个好朋友
5. YCT III practice
1. Workbook Chapter 1 practice 4-6
2. Prepare for Chapter 1 quiz
10/7/2017 CSL7 课堂笔记
1. Review last week's homework
2. Read Ch1 new workds and text
3. Video 汉字动画 - 六书
2. Read Ch1 new workds and text
3. Video 汉字动画 - 六书
9/30/2017 CSL7 课堂笔记
1. Review last week's homework
2. Practice P116 4-10
3. Free topic speech
4. YCT III practice
5. Video 快速发展的中国铁路
2. Practice P116 4-10
3. Free topic speech
4. YCT III practice
5. Video 快速发展的中国铁路
9/23/2017 CSL7 课堂笔记
1. Review last week's homework
2. Read together Chapter 16 words and text
3. Quizlet learn and game
4. Quiz for Chapter 16
5. Video: A bite of China
Homework: WB3 Chat16 P6-12
Write a free topic speech:我是美国人
9/16/2017 CSL7 课堂笔记
1. Tone Exercise
2. Review Chapter 15
3. Review last week homework
4. Chapter 16
P114 Read together new words
P112 Read together Chapter 16
5. Practice P115 #1-3
6. Watch 中秋视频
Read, write Chap.16 new words
Listen & practice Text book3: P117 #6
Workbook3: Chap.16 practice 1-5
Prepare for quiz
2. Review Chapter 15
3. Review last week homework
4. Chapter 16
P114 Read together new words
P112 Read together Chapter 16
5. Practice P115 #1-3
6. Watch 中秋视频
Read, write Chap.16 new words
Listen & practice Text book3: P117 #6
Workbook3: Chap.16 practice 1-5
Prepare for quiz
9/9/2017 CSL7 课堂笔记
1. Tone exercise
2. 学习“认识”,“懂”,“意思”
3. Review last week's homework
4. Play P111 #8 game
5. Free topic speech “我和中文”
2. 学习“认识”,“懂”,“意思”
3. Review last week's homework
4. Play P111 #8 game
5. Free topic speech “我和中文”
8/26/2017 CSL7 课堂笔记
1. Tone Exercise
2. Read together Chapter 15
3. Review last week's homework in pairs
4. Game: 猜水果
5. Video: 老外最愛的台灣特產水果 EPIC Taiwanese Fruits Challenge
6. Quizlet Game Chapter 15
7. Quizlet Test Chapter 15
8. TB3 Chapter 15 Practice 4,5,6
9. Game: 词语接龙
2. Read together Chapter 15
3. Review last week's homework in pairs
4. Game: 猜水果
5. Video: 老外最愛的台灣特產水果 EPIC Taiwanese Fruits Challenge
6. Quizlet Game Chapter 15
7. Quizlet Test Chapter 15
8. TB3 Chapter 15 Practice 4,5,6
9. Game: 词语接龙
8/19/2017 CSL7 课堂笔记
1. Tone excercise
2. Read together Chapter 15
3. New words (listen, speak, meaning, writing)
4. Practice 1,2,3,4,7
2. Read together Chapter 15
3. New words (listen, speak, meaning, writing)
4. Practice 1,2,3,4,7
8/12/2017 CSL7 课堂笔记
1. 自我介绍
2. 自由分组,两人一组结成学习小组。
3. Class rules and policies.
2. 自由分组,两人一组结成学习小组。
3. Class rules and policies.
- Respect the teacher and follow instructions
- Arrive at the class on time: 9:30 am ~ 11:30 am.
- No cell phone, no eating or drinking in class unless directed by teacher or teacher assistant.
- Respect the classroom setting and keep it clean.
- Assist in returning all furniture to their proper location at the conclusion of class
- Do not leave the classroom without permission from the teacher
- Raise your hand when ask or answer question.
- Do not touch anything in this class.
- If you borrow any materials from the teacher, please return it before you leave the class.
- Do not talk when the teacher is talking.
- Do your homework, it is important to work on your homework assignments.
- Attending classes are important; if you can’t be here, please contact me at first.
- Please use the restroom before class or during break.
- Do not leave the school without permission (wait for your parents coming to pick you up if necessary).
- Speak Chinese in class (we will always do our best).
4. New policies this semester
- “F-A-R”. Fun, Attentive, Results-oriented.
- Write down your name, new words of current chapter on the board as before class practice when you arrive. Then we will begin with tone exercise each class.
- New Homework Incentive - when the entire class turn in homework on time accumulated for 4 weeks, the class will earn a free Chick-Fil-A breakfast.
- We will study in 2-people groups. Study partners will review each others’ homework together in each class, and collaborate in other class activities.
- Class grade will be evaluated by 70% final exam + 20% class performance + 10% homework turn-in rate.
- We will use Google Classroom + Quizlet during the course. Please register your account on both website. The syllabus will be on Google Classroom and my website: https://tengzhao.blogspot.com/
5. Review TB3 Chapter 12-14
6. Watch video: Chinese Street Food Tour in Shanghai, China Street Food in China BEST Seafood
2017 CLS7秋季班课程表
班级名称 CLS7
Introduction to CSL7 class.
What’s your name? When and why did
you start learning Chinese?
What do you find is fun or
challenging in this course?
Rules: Before/During/After class
Find your study partner and name
your group
Review Textbook3 chapter 12,13,14
Video: Food Ranger Chinese Street
Food Tour in Shanghai, China
Read Chap. 15 before next class
Chapter 15
P104 Read together Chap. 15
P106 New words Practice P106 #1,2,3,
老外最愛的台灣特產水果: EPIC Taiwanese Fruits Challenge
Practice P110 #7
Read, write Chap.15 new words.
Listen & practice Text book3:
P108 #5
Workbook3: Chap. 15 practice #1-5
Study all new words
Prepare for word quiz
Chapter 15
Review last week HW
Read together Chap. 15
Quiz for new words
Listen & practice P108 #4,5,6
Game: 猜水果(一组中文描述,另一组猜)
Workbook3: Chap. 15 practice #6-10
Prepare for chapter quiz
No School
Chapter 15
Review last week HW
Practice P111 #8
Quiz for Chapter 15
Video: A Bite of China 06 A Perfect
Blend of Five Flavors
Workbook3: Chap. 15 practice #11-15
Read Chap. 16 before next class
Review Chapter 15
Review last week HW
QA for Chapter 15
Chapter 16
P112 Read together Chap. 16
P114 New words
Practice P115 #1,2,3
Read, write Chap.16 new
Listen & practice
Text book3: P117 #6
Workbook3: Chap.16
practice 1-6
Study all new words
Prepare for word quiz
Chapter 16
Review last week HW
Read together Chap. 16
Quiz for new words
Practice P116 #4,5,6,7
Workbook3: Chap.16
practice 7-12
Prepare for chapter quiz
Chapter 16
Review last week HW
Practice P118 #8,9,10
Quiz for Chapter 16
Workbook3: Chap.16
practice 12-18
Read Textbook 4: Chap. 1 before
next class
Moon Festival Celebration
Review last week HW
QA for Chapter 16
Textbook 4: Chapter 1
P1 Read together Chap. 1
P3 New words
Practice P #1,2,3
Read, write Chap.1 new words.
Listen & practice Text book4: P6
Workbook4: Chap. 1 practice 1-6
No School - Fall Break
Chapter 1
Review last week HW
Read together Chap. 1
Quiz for new words
Practice P116 #4,5,6
Workbook4: Chap.1
practice 7-12
Prepare for chapter quiz
Chapter 1
Review last week HW
Practice P118 #7,8,9
Quiz for Chapter 1
Workbook4: Chap.1
practice 12-18
Read Textbook 4: Chap. 2 before
next class
Review last week HW
QA for Chapter 1
Chapter 2
P8 Read together Chap. 2
P9 New words
Practice P10 #1,2,3
Read, write Chap.2 new words.
Listen & practice Text book4: P
Workbook4: Chap. 2 practice 1-6
Chapter 2
Review last week HW
Read together Chap. 2
Quiz for new words
Practice P11 #4,5,6
Workbook4: Chap.2
practice 7-12
Prepare for chapter quiz
Chapter 2
Review last week HW
Practice P13 #8,9,10
Quiz for Chapter 2
Workbook4: Chap.2
practice 12-18
Review TB3 Chap. 15,16 TB4 Chap.1,2
No School - Thanksgiving
(Final Exams)
博文 (Atom)
班级名称 CLS7 Week# 日期 课程内容 作业 1 8/12/2017 Introduction to CSL7 class. Wh...
1. Go through class policy 2. Review Textbook3 chapter 15,16 TB4 Ch 1,2 3. Chapter 3 . Read together Chap. 3 and new words 4. ...
1) Review last week HW 2) Story Telling Contest 3) Chapter 5 Read together Chap. 5 and new words Practice #10 4) ...